Api Environments And Endpoints

Two separate publicly available environments are available for the API:

For development and testing, a 'Developer Sandbox' is offered that runs an exact copy of the production software. The Sandbox can be used while developing your integration with the API.
The **Production** environment is used during normal operation.

Each environment runs a separate instance of the Valdit Identity System. These are unrelated, therefore credentials for the developer Sandbox cannot be used for the Production environment and vice versa.

The endpoints for the environments are listed in the table below.

Endpoints Developer Sandbox Production
OpenID Connect Discovery Endpoint https://developer.valdit.com/identity/.well-known/openid-configuration https://www.valdit.com/identity/.well-known/openid-configuration
OAuth 2.0 Token Endpoint https://developer.valdit.com/identity/connect/token https://www.valdit.com/identity/connect/token
VAT Validation API Endpoint https://developer.valdit.com/api/v1/addresses/nl/ https://api.valdit.com/api/v1/addresses/nl/

Table 1: Environments and Endpoints