POST Response

The table below lists all the HTTP Response Codes that can be returned, together with a description of the result of the API call and the Response-type that defines the Model that is used for the returned data. The Response Models are described in detail in chapter 8.

Response Code Description Response Model
201 A Business Entity has been created successfully and a VAT number check has been performed. The returned HTTP Location Header will contain a URL pointing to the created Business Entity. The Response contains the data on the Business Entity and the VAT number validation result. vatNumberSuccessResponse (see paragraph 8.8)
202 A Business Entity has been created. The validation could not be performed at this time and has been deferred. The validation will be automatically repeated until a valid response has been received from the EU VAT VIES system. The returned HTTP Location Header will contain a URL pointing to the created Business Entity. The Response contains the preliminary data on the Business Entity and the VAT number validation results. The Client system can use a GET operation on the Location Header URL to retrieve the final results at a later time. vatNumberSuccessResponse (see paragraph 8.8)
303 See Other: A Business Entity with the provided VAT number already exists. A GET or a PUT operation should be used instead of a POST. The returned HTTP Location Header will contain a URL pointing to the existing Business Entity. JSend Success-response (see paragraph 6.6.1)
400 VAT number check creation has failed. The response will provide information on why the call failed. vatNumberCreateFailResponse (see paragraph 8.9)
401 The caller is Unauthorized. No OAuth 2.0 access-token was provided or the access-token was invalid or has expired. See paragraph 6.2 for information on Authorization JSend Fail-response (see paragraph 6.6.1)
402 You have exceeded your monthly quota and the call could not be accepted. See paragraph 3.7 for more information on the API’s Pricing model JSend Fail-response (see paragraph 6.6.1)
429 You have exceeded your daily Requests quota. See paragraph 6.4 for more information on the rate limiting used by the API JSend Fail-response (see paragraph 6.6.1)
500 A server error has occurred. The response will contain additional information on the error JSend Error-response (see paragraph 6.6.3)

Table 3: POST Operation Responses